According to the American Montessori Society, an authentic Montessori school includes multiage groups that foster peer learning, uninterrupted blocks of work time, and guided work activity. Montessori materials are provided in a pleasing environment.
We are proudly affiliated to the American Montessori Society, a vital professional organization dedicated to supporting quality Montessori education.
AMS is an information center for its members, the media, and the public.
In our tenth school year, we continue with our Spring Recital tradition. As usual, the recital permitted the students to explore diverse cultural knowledge, pertaining to the presented acts. The theme of this school year was: “Disney: VM’s Style”.
We are starting our Summer Camp 2019: “A Disney Summer” from July 1st to August 9th. The summer camp is structured by themes, including art activities, crafts, music classes, excursions, sports, obstacle races, swimming classes, cooking classes and practicing the English language.
For more information, please contact us.
Villa Montessori School is a Bilingual School. We offer classes in English and Spanish.
We offer swimming lessons, artistic stimulation, and study hall as supplementary activities in the afternoon.
We adhere to the principles of the philosophy given by Maria Montessori, developing the curriculum in a prepared environment.
The limited number of students allows us to get to know each and every one of our students and families.
Part of our curriculum is developed in our natural outdoor environment.
We focus our energy on satisfying your child’s unique care and development needs.
Contact us to arrange an appointment, receive more information and visit our facilities.
Call us at (809) 981-1302
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